Empowering Connections Across Herkimer County

Next is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the success and growth of Herkimer County.

We connect under-resourced nonprofits and municipalities with qualified funding opportunities and provide the support needed to complete transformative projects.


Communication & Constituent Engagement

Strong communities require the collaboration and integration of multiple initiatives, from community engagement and constituent-focused programs to housing and infrastructure planning, emergency management, fiscal policy, and economic development. next brings all parties to the table, holding community and stakeholder meetings to optimize collaboration.


Needs Analysis & Program Selection

We are dedicated to providing a relationship-based approach to every client, tailoring our solutions to meet your specific needs and goals. Our team can help your organization identify which funding sources are best suited to your project or program.


Budget Development & Adherence

Our team will help you create spending plans and processes to monitor the budget for the life cycle of the grant, including audit preparation procedures. 



It is crucial for organizations to be able to support their daily operations. We can help you find the resources and connections you need to thrive. next can help your team procure the necessary quotes required to help calculate the overall budget for your project or program needs.


Funding Optimization 
& Program Delivery

We’ll help you develop a risk management plan to identify and mitigate potential risks that could affect the program as well as create a schedule for reviewing your standardized processes so changes can be made, if necessary. We can also help identify multiple funding sources to cover all costs associated with your project or program.


and Compliance

With the changing regulatory environment, it’s important that municipalities and nonprofit organizations make sure they are in compliance. next is up to date on current grant regulations on the Federal, State, and local levels. We are able to institute a compliance monitoring plan to ensure that grant recipients are adhering to the terms of the grant, if applicable.


Cross-Agency Stakeholder Engagement

We will help you develop a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed of the program's progress, keeping key team members and stakeholders aware of their responsibilities and deliverables throughout the grant lifecycle. 


Grant Administration and Reporting

Funders have strictly defined how grant dollars can be spent. Organizations and municipalities who receive those funds are responsible for tracking and reporting activity related to grant budgets. We will help you develop a detailed project plan that outlines the steps and milestones needed to achieve the goals and objectives for your grant-funded project and will work closely with your team to help administer the program. Next can also act as your fiscal sponsor.


Nonprofit Development

Whether you are a nonprofit organization aiming to make a positive impact on your community or a municipality facing resource limitations, we understand the importance of creating a customized plan to address your specific challenges. We offer seminars for nonprofits with topics that include DEI training, Marketing, Board Development, and much more. Next is a valuable resource for nonprofit organizations.

Downtown Herkimer Arial
DRI Hochul v2
Fort Herkimer Church
Lock 17
Herkimer Trolly Bridge

Building Strong Community Connections in Herkimer County

We Care, Connect, & Complete.



To make Herkimer County better.



To facilitate the relationships, assets, and resources that will make Herkimer County better.



To make Herkimer County the best place to live, work, and grow.


We support all members of our communities and use an equity framework to understand their historical and social barriers.

We offer people effective ways to engage in advancing the well-being of our communities and strive for:

  • Diversity
  • Equity
  • Inclusion


Contact Us

Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can work together to make Herkimer County a better place to work, live, and grow.

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